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Uf my ilibrary

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Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. If a hardbound book is lost, it must be replaced by another hardbound book. But it must be the exact same edition or a newer edition. Q: Can I buy a replacement copy of the book I lost and give it to the Library instead of paying for the book?Ī: Yes! In fact, that is a better option for us too. In most cases it takes at least one business day to remove the hold, and holds will not be removed on weekends. Therefore the hold must be removed manually. Marketplace does not connect to the Banner system which is used for student holds. Q: Once I have paid for lost materials, are all holds instantly removed?Ī: No. However, the $15 processing fee is non-refundable. If you need any assistance, call us at 91. If the item was paid by credit card or bank card, it will be credited back to the bank or credit card by which it was paid. Payment is refunded by check if paid by cash/check. Q: If I pay for a lost item but find it later, can I get a refund?Ī: Yes, the Library will refund the cost of the book. Typically, we look for all lost books at least once before placing holds on student records. Will they look on their shelves for it?Ī: Yes, call or come in and we’ll gladly look for it. Q: I think I returned a book but the Library says it is still on my account. Q: How do I pay for a lost book or other material?Ī: If you would prefer to pay by credit card or bank card, you can do so using through Marketplace. Home > Library Services Menu > Paying for Lost Library Materials Paying for Lost Library Materials Research at Georgia Southern University.Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health.

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  • College of Behavioral and Social Sciences.

  • Uf my ilibrary