Click once on cell B2 to select the cell.In Cell B2, enter this formula (or copy and paste it.) =image(“Note – if the above formula doesn’t work, copy and paste it from.I was extremely excited, and a little surprised, when it actually worked. Enter some text or URLs in column A.Įntering the formula: Note – I figured out this formula by dissecting a goo.gl-generated QR code and then parsing it into a concatenation and image formula within the spreadsheet.Resize the columns and rows so they look like the screenshot below.

Option 1 Create your own spreadsheet Let’s do one together for practice, and then you can adapt the instructions to create more of your own: Getting Ready:
Use the provided templates. Note: For more information about what QR codes are and how to use them in the classroom. Overview: Enter some text or a URL in a spreadsheet and a QR code will be automatically created – all with the help of a little formula that you’ll learn about in this tip of the week. This is a great way to create lots of QR codes very quickly and easily! You will have two options: 1.